Am I the only one confused about all the confusion? I have heard the phrase “let me be clear” so much that I throw up a little in my mouth each time. Nothing is clear. Politicians are telling us things, news reporters telling us things. People with moral compasses are on every corner with the compass pointing in every direction. “Understand us”… “be against/for this”… “vote for ____”…. “condemn that.” It is 24 hours a day in our stimulated, well-informed, empathetic, sympathetic world. Even our emojis are in a state of confusion. Pineapples are not only a fruit but somehow have become a symbol of sexual preference. And, no, cauliflower is not as good as real potatoes I do not care what anyone says.
How we got to this place is more complex than confusing and has been going on since the Tree of Knowledge. I am more interested in unwinding and peeling back the layers of now. After all, we live now.
I heard a wonderful sermon about “True North”. The position on the globe that is true north is a smidge off from our compasses because of a magnetic force just slightly to the side of True North. If you are headed to the actual True North but only a few feet from it, you would only have to step to the side. However, if you are 5000 miles from True North, following your compass, you would go way off course and around several mountains to get there. Powerful. So let’s say that we are all headed in the same direction… generally most people want the same thing. We all desire peace, love and happiness. We each hold a compass and each of our True North is as personal as our fingerprints. Not because we don’t all have the same destination. That destination (peace, love and happiness) looks different for each of us. Peace to me may be quite different than your version. Love may come in different ways to me and happiness can be different because I am in a different season of life than you. So there truly should be no right or wrong answers as long as everyone is in the same step at the same time in the same place……
So, as usual, I want to know what do you do to have some type of clarity?
My answer is to point you in the direction of Christ. The ABSOLUTE TRUE NORTH. The only way to make sense in chaos. So in other words take it to the Holy Chaos Coordinator. Jesus was not only the Son of God but the Son of Man. The Bible says that He is the root and the seed of David. (Revelations 22:16). Seriously how much more confusing could it get? The thing that Jesus had absolutely no confusion about was His Peace, His Love and His Happiness which was found in The Father. I encourage you to dig deep into scripture as you are trying to remove layers of confusion. One of the best men that I have ever known in my life gave me the best advice in the middle of a truly chaotic time. This advice has stuck for 20+ years and is the source of honest progress toward peace, love and happiness. “Stay in the Word. It’s all in there.” It is. It is all there. In black and white with some in red. The compass. The atlas. The Way. It is Jesus. Keep your focus on Him and even though you may get off course at times, you will complete the journey to True North.
~In His Grace, Beth