Was I walking right? Should I have been going in the first place? I knew better than to go out there. It was pouring rain and cold. It wasn’t life or death. But my phone might die, does that count? I just thought that I wanted it RIGHT NOW. I had time to look back on my actions as I was laying at the bottom of the deck steps, wet with my toenail hanging off…
The “right now” of things has steadily been an issue of mine. I am an instant gratification kinda girl. Looking back, this has not been the first pain that I have received because I thought I needed something right now!
During this season of buying gifts and “trying to think of others”, I continue to stumble over my inner sinner. You know the one that says “ohhhhh I really want that” even though I should be buying it for someone else. I could simply make the purchase have it gift wrapped at the store and remember it is better to give than receive. But…..nope….I think that I look cute in it and I can buy so and so something else. I completely missed the point but looking good while doing it.
Is it just me? Am I the only one that makes wrong choices for selfish reasons and end up in a painful or painfully embarrassing position?
Will each of you join me in trying to do the right thing? Every time? This is going to take, you all know what’s coming, dying to self and waiting patiently on the Lord. Can we hold each other accountable by doing some heart checks on one another?
Get with someone in your church, small group, friend group, or send a message to me or Seth. It is perfectly legit to get a “check-up” from time to time especially when you feel like you’re not running the way you should. #Jesuscheckup. ❤️Beth