Great Parenting – What does this mean to you??

Webster’s dictionary defines it like this,

GREAT: wonderful; first-rate; very good:

PARENTING: the methods, techniques, etc., used or required in the rearing of children:

What is the greatest method of technique for reading children??

Many first time parents diligently research and study for the best organic, homemade baby food and snacks; classical music at bedtime; flashcards at 9 months; making sure to document every new month with updates on “firsts” and faithfully updating all social media with these milestones and privately hoping that your child walks before any of your other friend’s kids. We have car seats that are safer than NASCAR harnesses and “screen time” limits to hopefully not have “one of those spoiled kids”! I am applauding your efforts and encourage you to treasure these moments of your child’s life!

For parents who have multiple children or older elementary-aged kids, life has begun to get slightly overwhelming and the precious little bundle of joy that used to always smile and coo at you is now laying in the middle of Target, having a complete meltdown, because they wanted a shirt with Elsa or Paw Patrol on it! All eyes are on you, security has been alerted, and you just know that someone is reporting you for child abuse any minute. No cute pics for Instagram on this day!! You either buy the shirt or manage to divert your child’s attention toward something else and hurry out of the store. These are the days that you sit alone at night wondering if you have scarred your child for life and question your fitness as a “great parent”.

Once your child becomes a teenager, HANG ON! You have somehow become out of touch and any experience you may have as a teenager is ancient history and completely irrelevant. I mean, you didn’t even have cell phones way back then! Moms and daughters begin to clash, Dads and sons start to butt heads too. It’s not easy when your 13-year-old lectures you on fashion and gives you a look like, “Are you seriously wearing that?” Or when your 15-year-old gets hair under his arms and now he thinks he can take you! What do you do now? Is it too late to make a difference in their life?

I’ve got good news….God is in control. He trusted you with the greatest gift, besides salvation, when He gave you your children. He never expected us to be perfect or even “great” all the time. He does expect us to be faithful and to be good examples of His Grace and Love. I also feel the need to give you this reminder, your kids are His kids. He has a plan for them that included you but isn’t solely dependent on you. (Eph 2:10)

We have been working on a puzzle at our house this winter. We got the toughest one, 2000 pieces, a Thomas Kinkade landscape. It has been challenging to say the least! There are days that I can’t find one piece that fits and then other days, I’m a puzzle master! That’s kinda like being a “Great Parent”. You will have days that you question how you even function on the planet and then you will have days that take you back to the pride and anticipation you felt as a new parent.

Some days, I like to work on the puzzle by myself. I have total control of every piece and can work on every side if I want to. Other days though, I need help! Fresh eyes, new perspectives, and a team effort really make for progress that isn’t possible on my own. That is where I believe student ministry is so beneficial. Our kids need multiple perspectives and they often hear the same things that we as parents have been saying from others as if it’s the first time they’ve ever heard it. Maddening, I know but isn’t it only just about making sure they get what they need. In the end, the satisfaction is ultimately about the puzzle is finished and we celebrate with everyone who had a hand in putting the pieces in place. To me, that is the definition of a great parent! Watching our babies become functioning adults who love God and love others.

Beth and I are far from perfect parents, just ask our kids! But we are available to anyone that may need a hand putting some pieces together. Love always and enjoy the journey!!


Published by sethandbeth

Proud husband to Beth, father to Brianna, Rylee and Madison. I don’t have it all figured out, but I know The One who does!